
Peter has been a pillar in our community since we moved here 30 years ago. He has supported our business every step...

– Jen Twigg

For generations my family has called North Bay home. I believe that strong leadership, experience...

– Mike Anello

Over 4-years ago, I immersed myself within the small business community of North Bay. Since day one there has been no doubt...

– Emma Jones 

Over the past 20 years I have had the privilege of working with Peter in a variety of professional capacities. I am proud to support his campaign...

– Karen Gibbons (née Jones)

I have known Peter for over 3 decades.  I know him to be hard working, determined, and motivated...

– John D’Agostino

My business interests are diverse, but Peter has taken the time to understand what we do and how we do it, and he has gone to bat for us as President of ...

– Mark Sherry

Peter and I were elected for the first time to North Bay City Council in 2001...As I was Chair of Community Services then...

– Susan Church

The recent Cogeco mayoral candidates’ debate has confirmed my long held belief that Peter Chirico has...

– Garth Goodhew

I have met Peter on several occasions over the past few years. Peter is charismatic and his passion for change is evident...

– Andrea Pascoe

I want my kids and grandkids to call North Bay home, but without a plan for getting this city back on track...

– Kayvan Rouhani

As a long time citizen of North Bay, I can say that Peter has the plan to ensure the city grows, where small businesses are supported ...

– Ishmael van der Rassel

The candidate for Mayor I believe has the edge, in terms of experience, care for the community, business acumen, and drive is Peter Chirico. I’ve known Peter...

– Mike Harrison

I have known Peter for 50 + years and he is a good friend of our family. We need someone...

– Jim Bruce

I have known Peter as an exemplary leader for at least 10 years. During this time I have witnessed his devotion to North Bay...

– Lori Burns

I moved to North Bay because of opportunity, I love North Bay because of the people, I plan...

– Parth Dholakia

I’ve been around politics locally for many years. I’ve even chaired a campaign or two. In one memorable contest...

– Peter Gavan

Peter, through the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce, has been one of the driving forces behind the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot, and we are now seeing many applicants acquiring permanent...

– Don Curry

I’ve known Peter for much of my life and I’ve always admired his dedication and commitment to this community...

– Cameron Wilcox

From being a lifelong member of the Davedi Club to raising awareness and money for too many community campaigns to count...

– Vince Orlando

Since I've known Peter I have witnessed first-hand his dedication to this city, and drive to make change, through his ...

– Trevor Beard (he/him)

Over the last 15 years I have had the opportunity to work with Peter on many different community projects and have learned that he ...

– Brad Gavan

Working with Peter on a variety of community focused projects over the years, I can say without question...

– Hariett Madigan

I’m grateful for the life my family and I have been able to live in North Bay. This is a great place to call home. The struggles our city faces...

– Ted Thomson

I love North Bay and I want my grandchildren to love it as much as I do.  That is why I support Peter Chirico...

– Mike Johnson

I’m With Peter


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