
The candidate for Mayor I believe has the edge, in terms of experience, care for the community, business acumen, and drive is Peter Chirico. I’ve known Peter for almost a decade as a family man, a community leader, and a friend to small business. Peter steadfastly lead the Chamber through arguably the most difficult financial time in generations, and his calm demeanor, even head, and passionate advocacy were essential when going to government on behalf of our community. Peter cares about our serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces and veterans in North Bay. In my efforts to advocate on behalf of veterans, Peter has always had a “what can I do to help” attitude. As Honorary Colonel, Peter represents our military families and is an excellent spokesman for the aviators of CFB North Bay. Having a Mayor who appreciates what the military community does for North Bay is important to me. I believe Peter Chirico will be an excellent Mayor for the people of North Bay

Mike Harrison